Senin, 28 Februari 2011

A 30 minute guide to integrating Twitter in your Android application.

IntroductionThe goal of this article is to get twitter integration up & running from your Android app in 30 minutes. The guide will show you how tosetup a twitter test account register a twitter applicationauthenticate the user in your Android application.have the user send tweets from your Android application.This guide is accompanied  by a sample application that’s available in Github in the

A 30 minute guide to integrating Facebook in your Android application

IntroductionThe goal of this article is to get Facebook integration up & running from your Android app in 30 minutes. The guide will show you how tosetup a Faceook test accountregister a Facebook application authenticate the user in your Android application.have the user update his Facebook wall from your Android application.This guide is accompanied  by a sample application that’s available in


XimpleWare's VTD-XML is, far and away, the industry's most advanced and powerful XML processing model  for SOA and Cloud Computing! It is simultaneously:The world's most memory-efficient (1.3x~1.5x the size of an XML document) random-access XML parser. The world's fastest XML parser: On a Core2 2.5Ghz Desktop, VTD-XML outperforms DOM parsers by 5x~12x, delivering 150~250 MB/sec per core

Getting Started with the MVVM Pattern in Silverlight Applications

With the increasing popularity of Silverlight as an application development framework the discussion of patterns has grown louder and louder. Fortunately the majority of developers building Silverlight applications have agreed on a pattern that fits well in the Silverlight world called Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM). The MVVM pattern allows applications to be divided up into separate layers that

ASP.NET MVC ‘Extendable-hooks’ – ControllerActionInvoker class

There’s a class ControllerActionInvoker in ASP.NET MVC. This can be used as one of an hook-points to allow customization of your application. Watching Brad Wilsons’ Advanced MP3 from MVC Conf inspired me to write about this class. What MSDN says:“Represents a class that is responsible for invoking the action methods of a controller.”Well if MSDN says it, I think I can instill a fair amount of

Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Chapter 5: Implementing the MVVM Pattern

The Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern helps you to cleanly separate the business and presentation logic of your application from its user interface (UI). Maintaining a clean separation between application logic and UI helps to address numerous development and design issues and can make your application much easier to test, maintain, and evolve. It can also greatly improve code re-use

Validating our ViewModel

One of the key features that need to be implemented in a Line of Business application. Although Silverlight supports validation very well it’s not that easy compared to enabling Data Binding your ViewModel. When we want our ViewModel to be fully Data Bindable we implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. It’s really an easy interface with an Event that needs to be called when the value of a

Be Inspired – Creative Web Interfaces #26

Here we are, our twenty sixth web interface showcase. Showcasing the latest design trends within the community, this round-up of fresh showcasing e-commerce, blogs and portfolio designs.We would love to know your feedback on our web interface showcase, how can we can we make them better? What should we not do? Should we have a voting system? Feel free to drop us a tweet with your suggestions or

How much traffic does your website create with each request? Use IISExpress 7.5 to find out.

If you are currently using Cassini (the Visual Studio Development Web Server) – you will definitely want to switch to  IIS Express 7.5 because it is more aligned (feature wise) with IIS. Much has been written about IIS Express 7.5. The one feature I want to focus on here is IIS Express’ command prompt interface. Compliments of WebMatrix, IIS Express 7.5 has a nice GUI admin tool. What if however,

C#. Пишем google-переводчик

Сегодня мы с тобой напишем свой собственный переводчик. Сам функционал перевода мы, конечно же, реализовывать не будем, а обратимся к всемогущему Google, в частности, к Google API Translate. Также немного поковыряем связывание данных в WPF и немного коснемся библиотеки Json.NET, в результате чего у нас получиться свой собственный переводчик. Вперед! Схема работыИтак, прежде чем приступать к

Google Releases GWT Designer

Last week, Google released the GWT 2.2 update. While this was a relatively minor update, at least compared to previous version updates, there was one new feature mentioned in the release notes that was much needed: GWT Designer. UiBinder’s Missing CousinThe GWT 2.0 version saw the release of the UiBinder framework, a technique for creating GWT components in HTML, analogous to building

Transactions with Parameters

IntroductionThis time I want to share something about committing multiple queries to the database with the ability of rolling back if one of them fails (we all know transactions) but taking advantage of the goodness of SQL parameters. I've been searching for something like this, and I couldn't find it, so I made my own attempt. BackgroundI had a function that received a connection string and an

Why does WaitForMultipleObjects return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER when all the parameters look valid to me?

A customer asked for assistance with the WaitForMultipleObjects function:I am getting ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER when calling WaitForMultipleObjects even though all the parameters are valid as far as I can tell. I've narrowed it down to this simple program. int main(){ int i; HANDLE Handles[4]; // Create the events for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {  Handles[i] = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, TEXT("Test"))

GWT Event Bus Basics

This screencast explains why MVC applications benefit from an event bus, and it demonstrates how to create, wire, and respond to events in Google Web Toolkit (GWT). Not bad for just six and a half minutes.  Read more: JetBrains Posted via email from Jasper-net

Cumulative Update package 6 for SQL Server 2008 R2

This build of this cumulative update package is also known as build 10.50.1765.0CU 6 for SQL Server 2008 R2 RTM includes fixes for better performance for some self joins, Filestream with third party filters, and a number of SSAS filters it can be found here: more: BILive - Business Intelligence Posted via email from Jasper-net


Mono.Addins is a generic framework for creating extensible applications, and for creating add-ins which extend those applications. This framework has been designed to be useful for a wide range of applications: from simple applications with small extensibility needs, to complex applications which need support for large add-in structures. The main features of Mono.Addins are:Supports descriptions


Randolph OverviewRandolph is a new and unique solution that revolutionizes the way version control and change management is done for SQL Server. It shifts the responsibility for versioning from the users to the software. Its light-weight, easy to use tool that runs in the background and keeps track of all your databases schema and data changes over time, and enables full review of databases'

New release of Mvc Controls Toolkit on Codeplex

Hi, for thes one using my Mvc Controls Toolkit library. The new version targetted also for MVC 3 is ready and available for download on Codeplex. Now the Mvc Controls toolkit is a complete set of server Controls (or helpers..). Have fun... I apologize for some bug that you might find using it :)I would like to thank the whole Microsoft Mvc Team for the great job done in connecting Mvc

FAQ: Running Coded UI Test on a machine without VS

Another one of commonly asked question is how can I run Coded UI Test (or any other test type) on a machine without installing Visual Studio on it?You can install Test Agent – the Test Agent is a light-weight install and it is free if you already have appropriate Visual Studio or Test Profession SKU. Read more: Gautam Goenka (MSFT) Posted via email from Jasper-net

Why do I have this long GC pause?

Just recently I ran into a question; why did this collection take 9 seconds to complete. It's a question that comes up reasonably often and how to answer it is a topic that I give considerable attention to in my performance tuning workshop. Fortunately the question was accompanied with a garbage collection log fragment and so I though it would be fun to work through the analysis here. Here are

CameraTutorial - Android Camera Integration

IntroductionA simple guide for integrating the Camera Hardware inside your Android App.Step 1: Create a class that extends SurfaceView and implements SurfaceHolder.CallbackBefore you can integrate the Camera hardware with your Activity, you must provide a Preview screen. The camera's Preview output is supplied to this screen. The SurfaceView instance with a SurfaceHolder.Callback implementation

Advanced TSQL Tuning: Why Internals Knowledge Matters

There is much more to query tuning than reducing logical reads and adding covering nonclustered indexes.  Query tuning is not complete as soon as the query returns results quickly in the development or test environments.  In production, your query will compete for memory, CPU, locks, I/O and other resources on the server.  Today’s entry looks at some tuning considerations that are often

Среда разработки Sharpdevelop 4

Прочитав больше месяца назад на хабре о появлении SharpDevelop 4.0 я не придал этому значения, но чуть позже коллега напомнил мне об этом посте и сказал, что нужно обязательно попробовать (раньше мы эту IDE в глаза не видели). Забегаю вперед и говорю, что он её так и не запустил, а вот я, на днях всё же установил её и решил написать небольшое приложение на C#, которое будет взаимодействовать с

JVM Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples

This free book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning JVM himself. Topics include JVM (Java Virtual Machine), HotSpot, JRockit, GC (Garbage Collection), Memory, Stack overflow, CDS (Class Data Sharing), Runtime, Reflection. Read more: JVM Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples Posted via email from Jasper-net

hibernate-mapping.xsd with comments is ready!

Hi!As I promised in an earlier post, I’m publishing the hibernate-mapping.xsd to which I’ve added the documentation, and you’re the first to know! So now you can enjoy IntelliSense tooltips while your editing your *.hbm.xml files, like this: Read more: ArnonA Posted via email from Jasper-net

Some Useful Features of C#

IntroductionIn this article, I am going to discuss some important facts which might be unknown to most developers. I am going to discuss about three different topics which are related to C# and are more helpful when building your application. Why use StringBuilder over String to get better performanceStructure initialization in C#Checked operatorGo To with Switch... CaseI am going to discuss the

DataNucleus 3.0 vs Hibernate 3.5

DataNucleus Access Platform, as stated at the official product site, is the most standards-compliant Open Source Java persistence product in existence. It is fully compliant with the JDO1, JDO2, JDO2.1, JDO2.2, JDO3, JPA1 and JPA2 Java standards. It also complies with the OGC Simple Feature Specification for persistence of geospatial Java types to RDBMS. It utilities an OSGi-based plugin

A Brief Explanation of HttpModule and HttpHandler

An HTTP request from client to server can be explained as a chain of IIS, AspNET_ISAPI, Asp.NET Work Processor, HttpModules and HttpHandlers. The last part of the chain which is HttpHandler, creates the HTML and sends the result to HttpModule. AspNet_IASPI.dll is used for Asp.NET pages. And chain completes in reverse order this time, as shown below: HttpModules and Usage:We can use several

Advantages of git over Subversion (SVN): A Brief Summary

I've been using SVN for years. And git is continuously popping out in front of me. I thought that I need to learn more about it. After reading an article over here ( I wanted it to be summarized to make it understandable "briefly" in a short time! Please do not forget that these are only the advantages. I willfully didn't tell about the


Project Description managedCUDA aims an easy integration of CUDA in .net applications. For this it includes:A complete wrapper for the  CUDA Driver API, version 3.2 (CUDA, DirectX, cuFFT) Based on this, wrapper classes for Cuda context, kernel, device variable, etc.All these wrapper classes exist also in a so called dispatched version, i.e. they include a System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher used

Android for .NET Developers - Getting started

IntroductionTo call you a real mobile programmer, Windows Phone 7 (WP7) is not enough. WP7 is the youngest mobile platform and far from being the most used. Being part of a mobile project today means dealing with two major platforms - iOS and Android. For any .NET developer making the jump to WP7 is no big deal. Getting started with iOS and Android is quite another story. Of the two, Android is

Object Oriented Programming Concepts – Interview Questions

These Questions are common to C++, C#, Java Interviews. Questions are related to software design1. What is Loosely Coupling in Object Oriented Programming or Software Design?System should have as many dependencies as is needed to do their job - and the dependencies should be few. 2. What is the advantage of Loosely Coupling?Loose Coupling helps in reusability, easier maintainability, and allows

Drawing lines in Mozilla based browsers and the Internet Explorer

IntroductionIn this article, I want to explain and deduce the line drawing algorithm by Bresenham. Afterwards, I will show an optimized version which can be used to draw lines in Gecko based browsers like Mozilla or Firefox and Microsoft's Internet Explorer. As you know, HTML itself is not able to describe lines. Therefore, there is no built-in features in the above-mentioned browsers for drawing

How to invoke C++ member operations from inline-assembler code segments

IntroductionBack in the late '80s, when I first started programming on Commodores famous Amiga PC, there was no alternative than using Assembler for optimizing your code to squeeze out any resources your hardware had. Although things have changed and compiler vendors have done a great job on code optimization, there are still some cases where you can do a better job than compilers do (presuming

5 reasons why Silverlight sucks in LOB (compared to WPF)

Recently, Brian Noyes and  Rob Relyea have touched the “WPF VS Silverlight” subject and considering the fact I was also recently thinking about it I wanted to share my thoughts on that topic too.As I said in previous post, I’ve started at home blogging about the accountingLOB applications in Serbia and one of the questions I got challenged by one of my readers (who knows how BIG Silverlight fan I

Win32 Tips and Tricks

IntroductionIn this article, I'm going to present a number of small tips and tricks when using the Win32 API. None of them are interesting enough to warrant a separate article, but together they make an interesting collection. Some are workarounds for shortcomings in Windows, some aim to improve usability for you as a developer and for your users, and some describe common gotchas in Win32. Note:

An Introduction to Sql Server 2011 (Code Name Denali)

Table of ContentIntroductionBackgroundInstallationLaunch ScreenSSMS EnhancementsObject Undocking /Multi Monitor SupportCycle Clipboard RingTask ListZoom/MagnifyInclusion of Sequence Nodes Surrounded WithCode SnippetsReferencesConclusionIntroductionOne of the hottest and awesome developments by Microsoft in the technology field was come into picture on 8th November, 2010 when they released the

See and hear the effects of Garbage Collection

Sometimes you forget that GC’s occur: it’s hard to see it’s effect, but what does Garbage Collection do to your code? A long time ago (3 decades!) I used Fortran and Assembly code for a PDP-11 16 bit computer to design real time signal processing systems. Two of these were used to detect submarines: one would make a very loud noise (think a very big sonar Ping), and the other would pretend to be

ASP.NET MVC Data Access Videos & Tutorials (17)

ASP.NET MVC ModelsCreating Model Classes with the EF Creating Model Classes with LINQ to SQL Creating Model Classes with LINQ to SQL 2 Displaying a Table of Database Data Implement View Models to Manage DataASP.NET MVC ValidationPerforming Simple Validation Validation with the IDataErrorInfo Validating with a Service Layer Validation with the Data Annotation Validators ASP.NET MVC Action Filters

ASP.NET MVC App Building Videos (61)

Building the ASP.NET MVC Music StorePart 1: Intro, Tools, and Project Structure Part 2: Controllers Part 3: Views and ViewModelsASP.NET MVC 2Displaying a Table of Database Data Creating Model Classes with LINQ to SQL Creating Unit Tests for ASP.NET MVC Applications Preventing JavaScript Injection Attacks An Introduction to URL Routing Understanding Views, View Data, and HTML Helpers Understanding

Binding Events to Methods in the Silverlight MVVM View Models

IntroductionThis article introduces a simple method to bind UI events to the corresponding methods in the MVVM view models in Silverlight applications.BackgroundIn order to fully conform to the MVVM design pattern in Silverlight, we may want to move the event handling functions into the view models. Generally speaking, we have two types of UI components and two types of UI events in Silverlight

Programmatically finding Binding Elements in WCF Binding

Binding is one of the important aspect of WCF Programming. It deals with, “How Service and client will talk to each other?” Binding is made up of different binding elements. When different binding elements are stacked together they form a Binding. Different binding types are made up of different binding elements. Always a question arises that, “What are the different binding elements of a

Creating Code Snippets with Replacements

Code SnippetsIn an earlier example I described how you can create your own code snippets, register them and insert them using Visual Studio. The example snippet contained static code for the basic IDisposable pattern. Using the snippet the entire pattern could be added to a C# class file with a few keystrokes. ReplacementsSnippets can be made more useful with the use of replacements. These are

C# Compiler as a Service Update

Our C# compiler-as-a-service library can now process any C# construct, it is no longer limited to expressions and statements.This means, that you can now enter entire class definitions in the command line: csharp> class Demo {      >     public int Add (int a, int b)      >     {      >          return a + b;      >     }      > }csharp> new Demo ().Add (1, 3);4 csharp> This work was done by the

Building a Windows Phone 7 Application with UltraLight.mvvm

I recently released a new open source project called simply UltraLight.mvvm. The purpose of this project is to make it easier to build MVVM-based applications that support tombstoning (a must) on Windows Phone 7. The DLL is 22KB and the source is less than 300 lines of code. With that, the framework supports:CommandsCommand binding for buttons (with parameters)Support for binding commands to


SpyDllRemover is the specialized tool for detecting spyware & hidden Rootkit Dlls in the System. It can also detect & remove user-land Rootkit processes as well as other spyware processes using multiple [user-land] Rootkit detection algorithms coupled with in-house Process heuristics. This makes it a generic tool for detecting & removing any known as well as unknown threats compared to

Monodroid preview 13

General EnhancementsMono.Android.dll Moved to Debug Shared Runtime PackagesIn addition to the regular shared runtime used for debug builds, there are now target version specific ones that contain Mono.Android.dll. This dramatically reduces the size of debug .apks, resulting in much faster deploys, making the change/deploy/test cycle much quicker. Linking is now turned off by default for debug

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

Understanding how to root your Android phone

The easy title for this would be, simply, “how to root your Android phone.” But I’m not going to go over specific root instructions. For starters, each handset is going to have a different set of instructions. Also, plenty can go wrong in the process. I’ll try to lead you down the right path, though, so that you can get the best possible instructions for rooting. But first, there are a couple of

Android Market makes eBooks purchases available – music and movies too?

Looks like the Android Market has made eBook purchases available on the Market today and you’re able to go ahead and buy from an impressive collection of eBooks, still a little shy on the library when compared to Amazon’s Kindle, or Kobo however. That being said, it’s still a nice addition to the Android Market since they turned it into a web interface for apps streaming to your device(s). A

Turn your Android device into a second monitor with iDisplay

This may or may not be the best use of your Android’s display ever conceived. That being said, it would look OK if you were using your laptop, and needed a second screen onto your newly purchased Motorola Xoom perhaps, taking advantage of its 10inch screen. This would be annoying for me to use on my smartphone, as a 4 inch screen just wouldn’t cut it. The app is called iDisplay, and it’s been

GameSpy announces GameSpy Open for developers across all platforms

GameSpy has just announced today that they will be making available all their tools and APIs for developers to use across all gaming platforms including Android. If you have played Dungeon Defenders then you may have seen the GameSpy logo at the start up of the game. Dungeon Defenders is the first Android title to use GameSpy Open. With the announcement of GameSpy Open for developers to use in

Lost your phone? Remote install an app and locate it

Plan B from Lookout labs is a ‘find my phone’ app that you download “AFTER” you lose your phone.Thanks to the new Android market, all you have to do is:Login to the Android Market,Find Plan B and Install it.Plan B will start locating your phone using cell towers and GPS. It will email you the location every 10 mins.It works best if you have the GPS enabled already as the app can’t do that by

Saturday Mono Update

Following a long established tradition of doing a quick Mono update after we do a major release, we released Mono 2.10.1 to the world.There are four big features in this release that we backported from our master branch in addition to some 25 fresh bug fixes: Support for running OrchardCMS on Linux. We also wrote a PostgreSQL backend for it. You can find the patches in this discussion.The

CMD that app to speak up (or shut up)! App level volume control via the NirCmd command line utility

But what about changing the volume level of specific application from command-line and without any user interface ?The new version of NirCmd (v2.50) allows you to easily set, change, or mute/unmute the volume of every application on Windows 7/2008/Vista. There are 3 new commands - setappvolume for setting absolute volume lever, changeappvolume for increasing/decreasing the volume level, and

Escape the iOS SDK: Building iPhone (and Android) apps via Flash

Once upon a time, the path to the Apple App Store was very simple for Adobe Flash developers: Put aside your childish ways and devote yourself to the pure complexity of Objective-C. Your fancy tools and rendering libraries are nice for beginners, but only those who master pointers and malloc were welcome to feast at the table of iOS. Everyone else had the door slammed on their fingers. The reason

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

When Isolated Storage Isn’t Enough

When you wish to persist state across usages of your application, Isolated Storage allows you to write to the disk and stash away key-value pairs.  For state, this is usually sufficient, but if what you wish to persist is data, especially relational data, then Isolated Storage is a bit limiting. To meet this need for a more robust data storage scheme, a number of libraries have been developed

How to create a mini browser application for Windows Phone 7

  I have experienced a lot of fun writing Windows Phone 7 applications in Visual Basic. Web browser is one of the applications that are commonly used on phones these days. In this blog, I want to share some sample source code that will help you to create a mini browser application for Windows phone 7. I will tell now demonstrate how easy it is to develop a mini browser application for Windows

Final Android 3.0 Platform and Updated SDK Tools

The full SDK for Android 3.0 or Honeycomb, the branch of Android aimed specifically at tablets, is now available to developers.The APIs are final, and the developers are now free to create apps targeting Honeycomb and publish them on the Android Market. The SDK comes just in time as one of the first Android 3.0-sporting tablets, the Motorola Xoom, is about to hit the stores tomorrow. It may not

Selasa, 22 Februari 2011


The Open Toolkit is an advanced, low-level C# library that wraps OpenGL, OpenCL and OpenAL. It is suitable for games, scientific applications and any other project that requires 3d graphics, audio or compute functionality. Feature HighlightsRich, type-safe bindingsSupport for the latest versions of OpenGL, OpenGL|ES, OpenAL and OpenCL with automatic extension loading, error checking and inline

F# on (Ubuntu) Linux with Mono and Monodevelop

This week, I’m attending the Java Posse Roundup to learn about the interesting things happening on the JVM, meet smart people, and hopefully write some Scala and Clojure code. One of the more surprising emails that I got after registering for the conference came from Dick Wall who asked if I could take an afternoon during the conference to hack some F# with him. Dick prefers to run Ubuntu, and I

Prevent Tampering of Encrypting Data Using add_authenticator Argument of EncryptByKey

This article is one of several articles discussing some of the best practices for encrypting data. This article demonstrates how the @add_authenticator argument of the ENCRYPTBYKEY function can help prevent tampering with encrypted data.   Imagine the following scenario: The DBA is encrypting the salary column for all employees in such a way that people with authorization to access the table, but


ИТАК, ХОТЕЛКАХочу понимать присланные сервером сообщения об ошибках.ВКЛЮЧЕНИЕ ОТЛАДКИВариант 1:Visual Studio имеет кучу настроек, не обошла команда разработчиков и такую важную тему как отладка (debugging). В настройках проекта сайта (host для silverlight-приложения) легко заметить закладку Web, в которой в самом низу можно найти раздел Debuggers. Можно включить и выключить отладку Silverlight.

ASP.NET AJAX Videos & Tutorials (155)

ASP.NET AJAX VideosIntroduction to ASP.NET Ajax History Use Script Combining to Improve Performance Get Started with ASP.NET AJAX Implement Dynamic Partial-Page Updates with ASP.NET AJAX Make Client-Side Network Callbacks with ASP.NET AJAX Add ASP.NET AJAX Features to an Existing App ASP.NET AJAX Enable an Existing Web Service Use the ASP.NET AJAX Client Library Controls Use an ASP.NET AJAX

Using the TriggerAction control

Bxf and CSLA .NET both include a TriggerAction control. This control helps support the MVVM design pattern in WPF, Silverlight, and WP7 applications.(Bxf is completely independent from CSLA – I donated TriggerAction from CSLA to the Bxf project a while back though, so this type is available from either framework) The specific problem addressed by TriggerAction is the need to invoke a verb (method

New Silverlight Video Tutorial: Send async messages across UserControls or even applications

Hello All!In this 11 minute video I show you how to use the LocalMessageSender and LocalMessageReceiver to send asynchronous message across two UserControls but it will also work with two Silverlight applications on the same HTML or even in two separate browsers (heck even with a OOB app and a browser app)!  You can even send XML and use it to send complex object types. So, buckle up and learn

Must Have Windows Phone 7 Toolkits

Windows Phone 7 has been getting a good bit of press in last couple weeks (to say the least). Given the recent announcements, there's a good chance more people will be looking to do some WP7 dev. Once you get the bare bones essentials from the App Hub, where do you do next? Toolkits! Must... get... toolkits!Rudi Grobler in the Cloud delivers; Windows Phone 7 MUST HAVE Toolkits"If you do ANY

Python 3.2

Python 3.2 was released on February 20th, 2011.Python 3.2 is a continuation of the efforts to improve and stabilize the Python 3.x line. Since the final release of Python 2.7, the 2.x line will only receive bugfixes, and new features are developed for 3.x only. Since PEP 3003, the Moratorium on Language Changes, is in effect, there are no changes in Python's syntax and only few changes to

Free Training SQL Server Training DVD’s (or online) from Quest (reg-ware) - 12 Sessions, Two DVD’s, Zero cost…

These insight-packed DVDs contain all the sessions, slide decks, and chat logs from our SQL Server training events originally presented on March 3 and July 21 of 2010.Order a copy or view the session online today! Disc One - March Event: SQL Server Training on DMVs This event was originally presented live on Wednesday, March 3, 2010. Duration: Eight sessions, 45-70 minutes eachJoin Kevin Kline,

Проверяем наличие подписчиков у событий при помощи Reflection

Передо мной встала задача, нужно было бы собрать все события объекта и подписаться на них (подписать определенный метод), только в том случае, если на это событие не подписан кто-то еще. Я могу даже больше сказать, делал я это для классов-оберток, которые генерирует Visual Studio на Add Reference Service…. Используем мы их по стандартному, как и все, наверное. Используем в коде не сами


Win32 and ZIPped binaries packages are available on github while Linux packages (mono-tools) are available from Mono and, eventually, from the opensuse build service.This is the last release to based on .NET 3.5. Newer releases will require a .NET 4.0 runtime (MS.NET or the latest Mono). Of course Gendarme will still be able to analyze 1.0 code if you need to. A huge thanks to all contributors,

Configuring Git on Windows

Create an account in codaset.comCreate a project in thereDownload and install following three programs in the given order1. 2. After

Microsoft .NET Framework 4

The Microsoft .NET Framework 4 redistributable package installs the .NET Framework runtime and associated files that are required to run and develop applications to target the .NET Framework 4.Read more: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Standalone Installer) Read more: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Web Installer)Read more: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (Standalone Installer) Read more:

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Registering for Android Intents – Being a crappy browser

One of the most powerful concepts of Android Development is that you can send asynchronously messages to other activities and services via Intents. The standard case is that you specify the intent you want to call and then Android starts the corresponding activity. You can also register yourself to existing events. For example if you writing an browser application you can register yourself in “

Android 3D Carousel

IntroductionFor a while I was looking for 3D carousel control for Android platform. The only one I found was UltimateFaves at [1]. But as it turned out it uses OpenGL. And it’s not open source. I thought if it is possible to avoid a use of OpenGL. Continuing my investigations I stamped on Coverflow Widget at [2]. And it uses standard Android 2D libraries. So the idea was the same – to use Gallery

Gmail and Google Docs Add a Dozen New Document Types You Can View Online

What do you do when you get a Photoshop file, a PowerPoint 2007 presentation, or an Adobe PostScript document and you lack the proper app to open it? Grimace, usually—until you realize that Gmail, via Google Docs, can now open a dozen new files that you might lack (or decidedly don't want) the proper app for. Full sizeFor those trying to do more work in just their browser, or anyone needing to

Install Windows Phone 7 Launcher on Android

WP7 Android Launcher is a free replacement Windows Phone 7 style launcher for Android that turns the home screen of your Android phone to the Windows Phone 7 Metro layout with tiles, similar to our recently featured Windows Phone 7 launcher for iPhone. If you envy the Metro layout of Windows Phone 7 devices and want your Android phone to have the same look when it comes to the launcher, read on

סטארטאפ 101: יש לי רעיון ואני הולך לגייס מיליון דולר מסקויה

סדרת הפוסטים "סטארטאפ 101" מאגדת סיפורים ותובנות שונות שלנו כמו גם של יזמים, משקיעים ומובילי דעה בקהילת הסטארטאפים והיזמים בישראל. כל מה שיפורסם במסגרת סדרת הפוסטים "סטארטאפ 101" נכתב בצורה סובייקטיבית, מנקודת מבט אישית של הכותב ומהניסיון שהוא ו\או אנחנו צברנו. אתם יכולים להסכים עם הדברים ואתם בהחלט יכולים שלא (ואפילו נשמח לשמוע אתכם בתגובות). גם לכם יש רעיון לסטארטאפ? חושבים שיש לכם את הדבר

How to Get AirVideo Features in Android for Free

AirVideo makes it possible for iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch users to stream any video format on their devices. If you’re an Android user, then you are in luck, because you can get AirVideo’s features for free with VLC-Share. In today’s tutorial, we will start off by giving you an instruction on how to install VLC-Share, followed by configuring firewall and port forwarding, and we complete the

ארנק לאומי - גם באנדרואיד!

החשבון שלך בלאומי זמין יותר מתמיד!לאומי דיגיטל שמח לבשר כי אפליקציית "ארנק לאומי" זמינה כעת גם למגוון של מכשירי Android. להלן המכשירים החדשים הנתמכים בשירות:HTC Magic LegendHero 5MotorolaMilestone 2i7500 Galaxy Samsung GT i5700 Galaxy SpicaGT i9000 Galaxy Sלרשימת כלל המכשירים הנתמכים בשירות כיצד מורידים ומתקינים את "ארנק לאומי" במכשיר האנדרואיד?חפש את "ארנק לאומי" ב-Android Market או סרוק את

Official Google Reader For Android Gets An Update, v 0.9.2 Adds Widget Support

The official Google Reader application for Android has received an update, adding widget support to the ever popular RSS application.  The update now brings the app to version 0.9.2 and adds two new home screen widgets.  We think the screen shot of the update below says it all.  So, hit the break and check it out.  Check out the application on our apps database as well and don’t forget to let us

Xbox Kinect working on Android OS thanks to developers’ handy work

This probably wasn’t anything like the uses Microsoft had in mind when they launched the Kinect, but like everything coded, you simply just need someone to tell a determined developer that it can’t (or shouldn’t) be done. In the video below, you’ll see the Xbox Kinect functioning in an Android OS environment, which looks like the 500 FX development platform. The developer is using openFrameworks,

Status Update: accessing Facebook with MonoTouch

Haven't blogged for a while, but hopefully that's about to change... and to kick off more regular posts here is a simple example of accessing the Facebook OpenGraph API using MonoTouch.The core of the example is @redth's MonoTouch.Facebook.Authorization ViewController which uses the Facebook OAuth webpage hosted in a UIWebView to authenticate and grab the access_token you need for subsequent

Samsung OpenSource release center

Samsung Electronics offers Open Source Codes from various open source communities through this website. You can download source codes and feel free to post your message to us. Read more: Samsung OpenSource release center Posted via email from Jasper-net

Samsung releases Vibrant source code for Android 2.2

Samsung seems to be in a giving mode today; not only did they provide developers with the Froyo source code for the Epic 4G, they’ve also provided it for the Samsung Vibrant as well.Remember, this is not an update that you can flash immediately to your Vibrant to have Froyo. This is more for developers looking to enhance their device or use their own vanilla Android versions. Read more: Talk

Galaxy S Sim Unlock Without Code

For those of you who are beholden to one carrier and locked to your Samsung Galaxy S device, fear not as XDA forum member helroz has written an app to unlock your device for you! Galaxy S unlock is free and can unlock other variants of the popular line of Samsung Android devices.Read more: xda-developers Posted via email from Jasper-net

Smart Taskbar (sidebar) Android Download app. Sidebar for super fast app launching

This is the updated version of Smart Taskbar (sidebar) Android app v1.0.3 which allow you to Launch any application instantly. Slide your finger or click icon anytime in any App to bring up a mini sidebar for super fast app launching also works as app organizer, task switcher, task killer, and shortcut manager. If you want to use your phone one handed with complete touch experience, you find

Widgetsoid, The Bat Belt For Your Android Phone

Widgetsoid provides you with a plethora of options for your Android smartphone.  You can choose from quite a number of widgets which will allow you to enable/disable/toggle a number of functions and provides you with detailed information about your device such as memory available, sd card info, amount of ROM or RAM being utilized along with a number of status’ for functions like WiFi, Bluetooth

Honeycomb running on Nexus One from Android 3.0 SDK. Download alpha v0.1

Just yesterday we reported Honeycomb running on HTC Desire HD, Evo and Droid Incredible. Ported from Android 3.0 SDk (Download). Now here we go with Google’s Nexus One which just got Honeycomb treatment. Xda member bypass23  successfully made a Honeycomb ROM for Nexus One from Android 3.0 SDK. As he said: I’m not gonna list what’s working or what’s not but I tried to keep the SDK as untouched as

Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

Android Source (Java version)

Full (?) source code to AndroidRead more: Google code Posted via email from Jasper-net

Live Wallpaper

A feature of Android 2.1 (nexus) is Live Wallpapers. This tutorial shows how to make them. A Live Wallpaper is a subclass of WallpaperService and an Engine inner class. Optionally an Activity (for settings) can be added to the package. In the manifest.xml file, add these elements inside the application tag

Google Calendar APIs and Tools

API Overview GuideGoogle Calendar is a collaborative, web-based application designed to manage all of life's important events in one place. The Google Calendar APIs and Tools provide a framework for developers to programatically interface with and extend Google Calendar. The Calendar Data API lets you perform most of the operations a normal Google Calendar user can on the Google Calendar website.

Android Gingerbread 2.3 Vs Froyo 2.2

If you check out any news relating to mobile phones, there’s Android! Well, if you aren’t aware of what Android is, then it is a mobile operating system that is based on a modified version of Linux kernel. Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) is the latest version of Android. This post will point out some interesting differences between the latest Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) and the previous version 2.2 (

Veracode Research Team Gives 5 Predictions for 2011

As we close out an security eventful 2010, the Veracode research team though it would be a good idea to think about what we are likely to see happen in 2011. Here are 5 predictions we believe will have a very good chance of coming true. 1. Sandboxing goes mainstream with adoption by Firefox and Internet ExplorerSandboxing can prevent the exploitation of coding errors by preventing code running

Java 6 Update 24 Plugs 21 Security Holes

A new version of Java fixes at least 21 security flaws in the widely-distributed software bundle. Updates are available for Windows, Linux and Solaris users.If you’re curious about the security updates included in Java 6 Update 24, see the release notes from Oracle. As I have shown in many stories on this blog, outdated Java installations can give bad guys and malware a foothold on your system,

Data encryption with DPAPI

Windows Data ProtectionDPAPI - Data Protection Application Programming Interface; most probably the smallest API available under Win32. It contains just two functions.Beginning with Windows 2000, Microsoft introduced the DPAPI. It wasn't well known or documented until Windows XP came out. The DPAPI is a pretty well thought-out mechanism to allow any application to do simple and yet powerful

App Inventor

App Inventor lets you develop applications for Android phones using a web browser and either a connected phone or emulator. The App Inventor servers store your work and help you keep track of your projects. You build apps by working with:The App Inventor Designer, where you select the components for your app.The App Inventor Blocks Editor, where you assemble program blocks that specify how the

Android App Developers GUI Kits, Icons, Fonts and Tools

   Hot on the heels of our previous GUI article, iPhone and iPad Development GUI Kits, today we focus on Android development. The idea is the same: To help streamline your app design and development, with a fairly comprehensive collection of Android GUI kits, icons, fonts, .psds and tools, that will allow you to focus on developing rather than having to design everything from scratch. In

New Interview Questions for Senior Software Engineers

UPDATE: I think we all agree (or at least we should) that if you go into an interview tomorrow and you look across the table and the interviewer has simply printed out this list and is reading from it, that you should excuse yourself and run. This isn't a "guide to how to interview" nor is this meant to me a "best practices for engineers" list. It's simply a collective brain-dump of stuff that

Porting that Android App to Windows Phone 7 ?

For Dave Glover of Microsoft Australia, Here are my favorite WP7 videos.  Check out these two videos. Challenge to readers! Do this with your Android dev tools this fast!Read more: XAML Refugees Design Blog Posted via email from Jasper-net

Moonlight 4 Preview 1 is out

Yesterday we released Moonlight 4, Preview 1.This release of Moonlight completes the Moonlight 3 feature set and includes many features from Silverlight 4. Check out our release notes for the list of things that are currently missing from our Silverlight 4 support. RenderingMoonlight rendering system uses a painter's algorithm coupled with culling to reduce the amount of rasterization that needs

Antarctica theme for Windows 7

“Life at the bottom of the world: Penguins frolic in this free Windows 7 theme featuring images of Antarctica and the South Atlantic's natural beauty.”Read more: I'm PC Read more: Antarctica theme for Windows 7 Posted via email from Jasper-net

Androidify App

Google has created and made available for free a "fun" little app that allows you to create an Android avatar that you can use in all sorts of ways. Starting from the familiar logo you can choose skin color, hair style and color, clothes, shoes, glasses. You can then alter the body shape - stretch the body or legs, make the head and body wider or narrower. There's also a randomise option for

Обновляем приложение с MVC 2 до MVC 3

Уже год мой сайт (блог) живет на самописном движке, который я сделал при помощи ASP.NET MVC 2. Конечно же я мог пользоваться бесплатными площадками для блогов, но мне пока интересно развиваться по многим направлениям. И если моя основная специальность сейчас Silverlight/WPF, то я все равно стараюсь не забыть про старый добрый веб, без него никуда в нынешнее время. Ну и нужно быть на гребне волны,


Есть пример, давайте его разберем кратко. Есть главная страница MainPage.xaml:

Silverlight: Байндинг коллекции элементов на TabControl.ItemsSource

Раньше я как-то обходился без подобного в Silverlight. Всегда размещал TabItem в XAML коде, а не байндил коллекцию объектов, и при помощи DataTemplate настраивал вид того, что находится в TabItem.Content. Просто не было необходимости байндить коллекцию моих объектов (неких BindingModel) на TabControl.ItemsSource, а тут, буквально недавно, захотелось немного отрефакторить код, так как коллекция

Moonlight 4 Preview - coming to Android?

Is Moonlight running to catch up with Silverlight or has it plans to overtake it? Version 4 has some interesting graphics features and it is even easier to port it to other platforms - including Android and OSX. Microsoft may not be 100% sure of Silverlight but the Mono project (sponsored by Novell) is pushing ahead with its Linux implementation of Silverlight - Moonlight. The latest is version 4

Join on tables using Fluent NHibernate

I started using Fluent NHibernate about a year ago as I was experimenting with ORM's in general when a good friend introduced me to the framework.First of all, I felt that learning Fluent NHibernate in the first place wasn't that easy. I eventually found everything I needed on the internet, but for some reason, it wasn't as easy for me as other frameworks i've dealt with in the past. Enough said,

דרך נוחה לעיון בקוד של פרוצדורות ואובייקטים אחרים

לפני מספר חודשים כתבתי פוסט על דרכים לעיון בקוד של פרוצדורה (חוץ מאשר למצוא אותה בצד שמאל ב-SSMS ולהציג את הסקריפט על ידי קליק ימני),  ומצאתי בינתיים עוד דרך נחמדה שמשלבת שליפה של כל האובייקטים (מה שמאפשר למיין ולסנן על פי הצורך) ומעבר נוח לתצוגה של הסריפט:Select    id,        Object_Name(id) Object,        ObjectPropertyEx (id, N'BaseType') ObjectType,        Cast((Select text As [text()]

Unable to import a key into KeyNumber.Signature with RSACryptoServiceProvider

Hi all,The other day a customer of mine was having an issue when importing key pairs with .NET's RSACryptoServiceProvider. When setting KeyNumber parameter to KeyNumber.Exchange everything seems to be fine. But when setting the KeyNumber parameter to KeyNumber.Signature the key pair is imported to the KeyNumber.Exchange slot just as if you haven’t set the KeyNumber parameter. I could reproduce

Subversion and Monodevelo

The nice thing about Monodevelop is that it has built in support for subversion. The bad thing is that getting that really to work is a real PITA. There is no documentation at all how to set up a Subversion repository and having MonoDevelop (for Mac)communicate without completely crashing over and over again. This is my public cheatsheet. The scenario: I have Windows based network centered around


Have you ever sat there in the airport with your Android device, full internet access and everything, having a drink or a terrible pastry, just cursing the fact that Android doesn’t have that one perfect app you saw the other day on an Apple machine? Or perhaps it’s the other way around, you’ve seen the fabulous freewheeling things Android can do with their wild apps and you wish you could do it.


Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the gigantically hefty wrap-up of our 2011 visit of Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Even at a team size double that which we had last year, we were running ragged each and every day with meetings, photo snapping, an video capturing galore. In this post you’ll find a selection of some (but not nearly all) of the hands-on, first hand news, and keynote speech

A Type-safe Generic Pointer

IntroductionSometimes there comes the need to store a pointer to an object whose type is not known at compile-time. The common method to achieve this in C++ is to store it in a void pointer. The void pointer can then be cast back to the appropriate type and used when required. Call-back functions[1] in libraries are a well-known example of this method; the user-data pointer is often a void

Payment Processors - What do I need to know if I want to accept credit cards on my website?

Answer: I went through this process not to long ago with a company I worked for and I plan on going through it again soon with my own business. If you have some network technical knowledge, it really isn't that bad. Otherwise you will be better off using Paypal or another type of service. The process starts by getting a merchant account setup and tied to your bank account. You may want to check

Sanitizing SSDs

Sanitizing data from storage media is a critical component of data management, especially for governments and the enterprise. Sanitization is well-understood for traditional magnetic storage, such as hard drives and tapes. Newer Solid State Disks (SSDs), however, have a much different internal architecture, so it is unclear whether what has worked on magnetic media will work on SSDs as well. At

Secrets of the XAML Build Task

Motivated by some old, less old, and recent forum threads about allowing compositional workflows in a rehosted designer scenario, with the ability to reuse activities created in XAML, I have finally played through some options for building assemblies directly from rehosted designer XAML. First though, let’s look at the standard option for compiling workflow assemblies.What normally happens when

SilverMotion 1.2.0 has been released

An avantgarde graphics system control that delivers true realtime 3D graphics to the web. Its unique rendering engine, entity structure, shading system and other properties produce a complete and remarkably easy to use, yet fully customizable 3D environment with modern effects that have previously been seen in realtime exclusively in desktop applications outside the web browser. 3D power in your

Android: Generating an EAN13 Barcode

Introduction The European Article Number, or EAN, is a standard European barcode which is designed to encode the identification of a product and its manufacturer and is a superset of the American standard, UPC. The format of the EAN13 barcode encodes a string of 12 characters followed by a 13th character which acts as the control number and is calculated through a formula based on the first 12

WM_NCHITTEST is for hit-testing, and hit-testing can happen for reasons other than the mouse being over your window

The WM_NC­HIT­TEST message is sent to your window in order determine what part of the window corresponds to a particular point. The most common reason for this is that the mouse is over your window.The default WM_SET­CURSOR handler uses the result of WM_NC­HIT­TEST to figure out what type of cursor to show. for example, if you return HT­LEFT, then Def­Window­Proc will show the IDC_SIZE­WE cursor.

CryptoAPI Tracer script

Hi, welcome back,As I promised in my previous post, How to trace CryptoAPI calls, I'm posting the complete script I'm developing to trace all CryptoAPI calls being made by an application. This script shows the In & Out parameters being passed to the API, the result of calling the API, and in case of error, the error number and message that the API returned. This script is a Beta version. I'm

How to fetch HTTPS end point certificate chain via Shell ?

You can do it through the web browser - and download each and every certificate...Following is the easy way via shell..$ openssl s_client -showcerts  -connect > ssl.log depth=1 C = US, O = "VeriSign, Inc.", OU = VeriSign Trust Network, OU = Terms of use at (c)09, CN = VeriSign Class 3 Secure Server CA - G2 verify error:num=20:unable to get local

Your First Step to the Silverlight Voice/Video Chatting Client/Server

IntroductionComparing with the Adobe Flash Player, Microsoft has provided the first step to support the live voice/video chatting through the web By Supports dealing with the Microphone and the Camera in Silverlight 4. Yes it was a great step but still not enough, there is more of a problem that is still unresolved, and as a programmer you have to rely on yourself to make your own programming

Open Clip Art Library v2.9 (Think "40K open, as in freely used, vector based clip art images")

Today, the Open Clip Art Librarians are Officially Releasing the Latest Version of their website: Open Clip Art Library 2.9. This newest iteration, the first of the new year, again focuses on the end-user experience, along with filling out the ever-expanding body of art the site contains. Kicking things off, a long-standing bug has been fixed in a major way. One of OCAL’s leading contributors,

Converting UNIX timestamp (BIGINT) to DATETIME value using DATEADD function

Contrary to popular belief, offices can be fun – especially if you are faced with new challenges each day. Hence, this week, we will be taking a small break from discussing the “Underappreciated features of SQL Server”, and instead discuss something that happened at the office a few days ago. One of the project engineers asked me a seemingly very simple question. “Can I represent a UNIX time

Examples to create your Conferencing System in .NET, C# VOIP & Video Conferencing Systems using H.323 and TAPI 3

IntroductionI noticed that there are many members who want to know how to create an Audio/Video Conferencing System using .NET. We know that there isn't any managed class that supports audio or video streaming in .NET, so I decided to write some applications that can help in writing your conferencing application. From time to time, you will find new examples and tutorials on VoIP, Video

Invoke Web Services from Android

This is ongoing blog on Getting Started with Android. In earlier blog, I provided an architecture overview of android application, followed by setting up the development environment for Android and creating and running a simple application. In this blog, I will describe how to invoke web services (soap based services) via Android. In my next blog, I will follow it up with how to invoke REST based

Scripting the Linux desktop, Part 2: Scripting Nautilus

Summary:  This series of articles explores how to use Python to create scripts for the GNOME desktop, the screenlets framework, and Nautilus to deliver a highly productive environment. Scripts on the desktop enable drag-and-drop functionality and quick access to the information and services you commonly use. In this installment, learn how to use Python to add functionality to extend Nautilus on

Python is One of the Most Popular Programming Languages

Python is quickly taking the lead as one of the most popular programming language. You might be skeptical, but Python is growing at a faster rate than any other language. It received TIOBE Programming Language of the Year award twice, once in 2007, and again in 2010. Even now it still has the highest growth of any other language. What makes Python so great? While statistical analysis always has

High Quality HTML and CSS Templates

Following the last two posts on forms, I’m now listing 10 fresh HTML and CSS templates. They are ideal for implementing a modern form, while not all templates listed here are HTML5, you can replace the old doctype for the newest, , supporting HTML5. After all remember that the new doctype is backwards compatible. Two of the HTML5 templates are part of a tutorial, which is perfect

Использование возможностей Windows в приложениях Silverlight

С выходом в свет Silverlight 4 у разработчиков появилась возможность создавать доверяемые приложения, которые могут делать вызовы к COM подсистеме Windows. Это позволяет расширять функциональности Silverlight приложений практически неограниченным образом. Все бы ничего, но примеров такого использования и реализаций немного, да и скорее всего они вызывают самые необходимые вещи в приложениях, в

VsTortoise - a TortoiseSVN add-in for Microsoft Visual Studio

News17th Feb 2011: VsTortoise Build 29 Beta released. Please see download and changelog for details.27th Sep 2010: VsTortoise Build 28 Beta released.7th July 2010: VsTortoise Build 27 stable released. Project DescriptionVsTortoise is an add-in for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010RC standard and higher editions, that provides an interface to perform the most common revision control

Visual Studio: Remove Unused References and Assemblies from your Project

When you create a default project in Visual Studio, there are a couple of references and assemblies that get added by default. Just create any new Window, Web, Console or Silverlight project using Visual Studio and check the using directives (only in C# templates) as well as the assemblies that get added. You may not need them all. So after you have finished coding, it’s a good idea to remove

Building the Next-Generation Datacenter – A Detailed Guide / Stage 4

In parts one, two, and three of this article, we provided a brief overview of the CA Technologies virtualization maturity lifecycle, and focused on the server consolidation, infrastructure optimization, and automation & orchestration stages of the lifecycle. The capabilities described in each of those stages provide an essential foundation for a dynamic datacenter, which is an IT environment that

Harvester - Debug Monitor for Log4Net and NLog

Project DescriptionHarvester enables you to monitor all Win32 debug output from all applications running on your machine. Watch real time Log4Net and NLog output across multiple applications at the same time. Trace a call from client to server and back without having to look at multiple log files. Inspired by tools such as Windows Sysinternals DbgView, DBMon.NET and Chainsaw. Harvester provides a

ASP.NET & Visual Studio 2010 What’s New Quick Videos (35)

Chart Control Dynamic Metadata Permanent Redirect Imperative WebForms Routing Declarative WebForms Routing Outbound WebForms Routing Auto Start Clean Web.Config Files Predictable Client IDs Selective View State The HtmlEncoder Utility Method New Rendering Option for Check Box and Radio Button Lists Persistent GridView Row Selection Table Free Templated Controls Easy State Compression Tableless

Garbage Collection Sample Code

Project DescriptionGarbage collection sample code demonstrates the differences between the large and small object heaps. This code supports the blog post at This project is the source code to the following blog post: Read more: Codeplex Posted via email from Jasper-net

how to make your bash aliases available as a root in ubuntu

Create a ~/.bash_aliases file and put all your cute little aliases in there to use these as your own user, add the following into your local ~/.bashrc file:if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then. ~/.bash_aliases fito use these as root, add the following into your /root/.bashrc file:if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then     . ~/.bash_aliasesRead more: Ruby Newbie Posted via email from Jasper-net

YAML Parser in C#

IntroductionYAML is a human-friendly, cross language, Unicode based data serialization language designed around the common native data types of agile programming languages. It is broadly useful for programming needs ranging from configuration files to Internet messaging to object persistence to data auditing. Visit the official YAML website for more information.YAML BasicsA YAML file may contain

Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Understanding the IE9 Software Rendering Mode

I recently heard from some users who are seeing lower-than-expected scores on the Speed Reading and FishIE Tank benchmarks. I went to check these tests myself and found that my laptop’s score was low. In fact, it was much lower than I’d seen last year. What happened? First, a bit of background: These graphically rich demos are designed to use your PC’s Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) instead of

Signature Box that Makes the Signature Look Right

IntroductionHave you ever noticed how childish and imprecise your signature looks when you write your name in a handheld signature box? The small size of the stylus compared to a standard pen, the nearly frictionless stylus-on-touch-screen interaction and the fact that the handheld is often hanging in the air instead of firmly lying on a table are three physical explanations for these ugly

What is the difference between a directory and a folder?

Windows 95 introduced Windows Explorer and along with it the term folder. What is the relationship between folders and directories?Some people believe that Windows 95 renamed directories to folders, but it's actually more than that. Windows Explorer lets you view folders, which are containers in the shell namespace. Directories are one type of folder, namely, folders which correspond to file

10 Reasons to Say “No” to Cloud Computing ?

I have been writing about the benefits of migrating to the Cloud in previous articles but it is also important to highlight in which circumstances the Cloud Computing route may not be the appropriate one. Building on some answers to a similar question asked on Quora , here is a list in no specific order of ten good reasons why Public Cloud Computing may not be a good fit for your company:1) You

11 GPG Commands One Should NEVER Forget

GnuPG is the GNU project's complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880 . GnuPG allows to encrypt and sign your data and communication, features a versatile key management system as well as access modules for all kinds of public key directories. 1. Create GPG Keys$ gpg --gen-key  2. List the available keys in your keyring$ gpg --list-keys  3. Exporting the public

Изоляция служб в Windows

Как известно, службы Windows представляют собой одно из наиболее излюбленных мест для атак на операционную систему. В худшем (для нас, конечно) случае атакующий получает возможность действовать на атакованном компьютере в контексте учетной записи, от имени которой запущена взломанная служба. И если эта учетная запись обладает административными правами, то фактически злоумышленник получает полный

Structure Initialization in C#

Structure in C# allows us to group the variables and methods. Its some what similar to classes but that's not true there are no. of difference between class and structure. But here in this post I am not going to discuss about that, here I am going to explain how to Initialize Structure. Facts:   1. Structure is Value type.   2. D# oesn't allows to create parameter less constructor because its

Пишем игру для Android. Часть 3. Управление игровыми объектами

В этой статье мы рассмотрим две темы: управление игровыми объектами и их взаимодействие. Мячик у нас уже летает, осталось сделать, чтобы он отражался от стен и ракеток; также стоит реализовать управление нижней ракетки игроком, а верхней — неким алгоритмом. Итак, приступим.Движение мячикаДля начала добавим в GameObject следующие полезные функции** Верхняя граница объекта */public

Changing a SQL Server Database Owner

Fact: every SQL Server database has an "owner". You can check the owner of a database by running this query:SELECT NAME, SUSER_SNAME(owner_sid)FROM   sys.databasesWHERE NAME = 'DatabaseName' However, there may come a day when you run into this error:There was error outputting database level information for ServerName.DatabaseName.Property Owner is not available for Database '[DatabaseName]'. This

Agile Startups – 5 Must-Have Characteristics for a Startup

We love startups.Especially technology startups. As a startup ourselves, Agile Scout works and runs like a lean-startup.A question was posed to the Agile Scout as to what we look for in an individual who wants to be part of a startup. Here’s our answer: Top 5 Characteristics of a Startup PersonEnthusiasm – Does the team and leadership of the team LOVE what they do. Are they saturated in it and

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Bugzilla 4.0 launches out of beta

Bugzilla, Mozilla's bug-tracking system, has just hit version 4.0. While version 4 has been in beta for a while now, it's been 4 years since the stable release of version 3, which has now been declared EOL (End Of Life) and will no longer be supported. Bugzilla 4.0 comes packing quite a few new features and improvements over 3.x. Here are the highlights:Automatic duplicate detection for bug

¡Increíble! Google Turns Your Android Phone Into An On-The-Fly Conversation Interpreter

When it came to translations, you used to either need an interpreter or a book to navigate another language. That was either costly or cumbersome, respectively. Then the Internet came along and made things significantly easier. Except you had to be chained to your computer to translate something. A year ago, Google made things easier again by launching their Translate app for Android. But that’s

Google To Merge Honeycomb and Gingerbread

In Barcelona, Google's Eric Schmidt has been revealing future plans for Google, saying that the next release will merge smartphone and tablet versions of its mobile operating system Android. Aside from bragging about Android's growth, Schmidt tiptoed around a question of Google acquiring Twitter, instead offering the very nebulous statement that YouTube doubled its revenues last year Read more:

Please Help Me Understand the Android Releases

So, Google's CEO said something about a new version, but it's coming after Android 3.0 ("Honeycomb"), and it ties in with Android 2.3 ("Gingerbread'), which really hasn't moved out yet, and might also update. So, uh, what's going on with Android, exactly? Help me make sense of all these desserts! Sincerely,Astonished by AndroidDear Astonished,Here's our best shot at deciphering the official

Remote Bug Found In Ubuntu Kerberos

There's a remote vulnerability in the Kerberos implementation in several versions of Ubuntu, which could allow an attacker to cause a denial-of-service on vulnerable servers. The bug is in Ubuntu 8.04, Ubuntu 9.10, Ubuntu 10.04 and Ubuntu 10.10. The bug is in the Ubuntu implementation of the Kerberos authentication protocol. Ubuntu has released a slew of new packages to fix the flaw. The group

VMware put an Android in your Android, so you can VM while you VM

So apparently VMware heard you like virtualization (or at least, that corporations do), so it made an Android virtual machine that can run inside Android's own Dalvik VM. The idea being, of course, that busy corporate types could play all night on their nifty new Android superphones, but still be able to dive into a minimalist, business-first environment with one tap when it's time to go to work.

Add the 2D Version of the New Unity Interface to Ubuntu 10.10 and 11.04

Is your computer or virtualization software unable to display the new 3D version of the Unity Interface in Ubuntu? Now you can access and enjoy the 2D version with just a little PPA magic added to your system! To add the new PPA open the Ubuntu Software Center, go to the Edit Menu, and select Software Sources. Access the Other Software Tab in the Software Sources Window and add the first of the

Share your Androidify creations

Google does a lot of really cool things, but some times they just get it right the first time.  Take Androidify for example.  Making yourself, loved ones, bitter rivals, or co-workers into Androids is fun.  Using Androidify, it's simple.  When simple and fun get together, you just can't beat it. I know we have a lot of creative readers, and Android Central forums member jjcasillas15 (that tall

Hands on with MonoTouch - C# for the Apple iPhone and iPad

When an editor asked me for a screenshot of MonoTouch, which lets you use an open-source implementation of Microsoft's .NET Framework to target Apple's iPhone and iPad, I obtained it the best way I know, which is by installing it and trying it out. It is something I have been meaning to try for a while. There is high demand for apps on Apple's iOS, and both the iPhone and the iPad are finding

WP7 for iPhone and Android Developers - Introduction to C#

This article is part 1 from a 12-part article series on Windows Phone 7 for iPhone and Android Developers.WP7 for iPhone and Android Developers - Introduction to C# (current part)WP7 for iPhone and Android Developers - Introduction to Xaml and Silverlight WP7 for iPhone and Android Developers - Advanced UIWP7 for iPhone and Android Developers - Hardware and Device ServicesWP7 for iPhone and

Duke Nukem Forever PC will use Steamworks

2K Games confirmed today on their Duke Nukem Forever forums that the PC version of the long-awaited shooter will be fully-integrated with Steamworks for DRM and online play. Hey guys, I've been fielding many inquiries about whether or not Duke Nukem Forever is going to be on Steam and today I'm happy to clear up any outstanding rumors and questions in your mind by saying: Yes, DNF *is* using

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Getting Started with Android – Creating Android Application

This is ongoing blog on Getting Started with Android. In earlier blog, I provided an architecture overview of android application. In this blog, I will setup the development environment for Android and create a simple hello world application. I would say are two ways you could develop Android applications-The web development way: – Utilizing your web development skills like- HTML, CSS 3 and

Multi-Server Queries – Underappreciated features of Microsoft SQL Server

This is part of the series of posts that I am running under the title "Under Appreciated Features of SQL Server". The series has been inspired by Andy Warren's editorial on After Activity Monitor, this is one of the other features that I was surprised to see in the list of underappreciated features. This feature has been a dream come true for anybody who manages more than

Mobile Development with Mobile Frameworks

Today a number of mobiles are coming with having different awesome features, but supporting various platforms. If a mobile application has to build, it has to be build for at least 4 – 5 platform. As the top platform viz. Android, Windows, Iphone have each large number of user base. Due to variety of platforms, it has been creating an hurdle for mobile app developer, as he has to learn for each

How to develop games on Android

One of the biggest markets in smart phones is games.  I am sure most of us would have played around with “Angry Birds” .  In this games tutorial you will learn different methods of developing  “Android Games” At the end of the post is the video on how the code below works and the zip of all the source files used in this example.Android Games can be developed in 3 ways1)   Developing games using

Coding4Fun.Phone.Toolkit v1.1

This is where Coding4Fun will house all our cool controls and tools that we come up with!  Right now we’ve created and updated some great controls for Silverlight that should help out everyone! If there is a bug [report], a needed control/feature that could benefit everyone [chat], or you want to help out [email], please reach out to us! NuGet Installs:Controls + TimeSpan Picker: Install-Package

Crysis 2 PC build leaked

Looks like the full version of Crysis 2 (though a beta build from developers) has been leaked to torrents. The build contains the entire single player campaign of the game, apparently. However, it's in debug mode and not the final build of the game. It's currently unknown how this build got onto the net but its always sad when something like this happens as it is bound to not only affect sales of

Sonos Controller for Android with voice search will blow you away (video)

You can exhale Sonos fans, it's finally happening. The Sonos Controller for Android is official. After almost a year in development, the free WiFi music remote finally gives Sonos owners control over their whole-home audio system from any Android 2.1 and above device with a screen size of HVGA 320 x 480, WVGA 480 x 800 or WVGA 480 x 854. At least it will when it hits the Market at the end of

You May Kiss The Bride, Thanks To Google Weddings

Google is making a big push into the wedding planning scene today, launching a full fledged planning portal for brides and grooms to be. Google Weddings is a destination that houses wedding-specific templates in Google Sites, Google Docs and Picnik for save-the-dates, wedding websites, planning materials, invitations and more. Google has also partnered with wedding planner Michelle Rago to

You need a mobile app. ShoutEm makes its creation incredibly easy.

If you’ve ever dealt with the building of a mobile application, you’ll know that it’s a realm best left to those who do it professionally. It’s so easy to build something that just doesn’t do your content justice on a mobile platform. The answers that we’ve seen to this problem so far is to build HTML5 websites that function as a mobile app. While that experience will work as a stop-gap measure,

Writing with a Phone

The Traccia is a phone concept modeled on how we use a writing instrument, specifically a pen. The intuitive way we write on a sheet is translated to commands for the phone thanks to the embedded optical sensor  located at the end of the stick. Basically whatever you write gets translated to a command or function via the installed software. This means your invisible writing can be converted to

Design Trends: 25 Awesome iPhone & iPad App Website Designs

Mobile is blowing up. O.K., maybe it’s already blown up and I’m just a bit behind the times, but regardless of my lack of technical savvy, mobile apps make up a huge market and today I want to look over one of the most recent trends I’ve seen in web design – iPhone and iPad app website designs. One of the main things you see in every one of the examples below is a large iPhone or iPad image,

MJPEG Decoder for WPF, WinForms, WP7 and XNA

Project DescriptionLibrary to decode MJPEG streams for Silverlight, Windows Phone 7, XNA 4.0, WinForms, and WPF. Sample code showing usage is included with the distribution. For more information, see the full article at Coding4Fun. Read more: CodeplexRead more: Coding4Fun Posted via email from Jasper-net

Working with Android Layouts and ListViews

I've been the owner of an Android phone for about 5 months now. The thought of creating an application for the Android platform has appealed to me ever since. That's why I recently started with Android development as a learning project for the next couple of weeks. In this post I will start sharing my experience with developing Android applications. Getting startedThe basic thing, while starting

Internet Explorer 9 RC – download, what’s new and get your sites ready

Dean Hachamovich has just announced availability of Internet Explorer 9 Release Candidate on the official IE team blog. As Dean blogs, we have received a lot of feedback from developer and end-users. We have listened and now with the RC, IE9 has made progress in the areas of performance, standards, user interface, safety and privacy. Actions:Download Internet Explorer 9 Release Candidate through

Alien Dalvik lets Android apps run anywhere

Alien Dalvik and similar technologies have the power to make all mobile devices equal and to make the Android app the only type of app you ever have to write.Many Android users think that the only problem with Android is that it only runs on Android portable devices. More precisely they would like to run the same apps on their laptops and perhaps even desktop machines. While Android is a

Fiddler and the IE9 Release Candidate

I’m delighted to announce that the now-available IE9 RC includes three significant enhancements for users of proxy-based debuggers like Fiddler.These improvements are:The default Connections-Per-Proxy limit has been raised from 6 to 12, improving performance and in some cases reducing Observer Effect. Debugging of traffic sent to Localhost / now “just works”—configuration changes are

VistaDB CLR Procs and Functions Introduction

Intro to CLR Stored Procedures and CLR FunctionsCLR Stored Procedures and Functions are a relatively new way to build extensions for your database. Traditionally stored procedure logic has been written in SQL, but SQL Server 2005 introduced the ability to use CLR code for procedures. Microsoft sometimes calls this SQL CLR as the technology used to load CLR assemblies into SQL Server. Prior to SQL

Looking for Silverlight developers? Post your job openings in SilverlightShow open group on LinkedIn

SilverlightShow group on LinkedIn is now an open group. And among the main benefits of an open group is the option to share all discussions on Facebook and Twitter! Hope this will really encourage the sharing of the information discussed in the group. We see that LinkedIn is often used to post job announcements as discussions. We don't mind that - so feel free to post your Silverlight jobs in our

Check out a 'Query Analyzer/SSMS' for Log Parser called Log Parser Lizard

As any incident responder will agree, you can never have too many logs. That is, of course, until you have to analyze them! I was recently on an engagement where our team had to review hundreds of gigabytes of logs looking for evidence of hacking activity. I was quickly reminded of how much I love Microsoft Log Parser. Log Parser is often misunderstood and underestimated. It could possibly be the

Buffer.BlockCopy not as fast as you think

I recently wrote a quick test to prove something, that ended up being wrong…Of course this is the way of science. You form a hypothesis, then you test. The results should prove or disprove your theory. The HypothesisOk, my theory was that Buffer.BlockCopy() would outperform our current Array.Copy routines on the page level.When we are loading records off a page, we have to extract some parts of

Mallory – Transparent TCP & UDP Proxy

Mallory is a transparent TCP and UDP proxy. It can be used to get at those hard to intercept network streams, assess those tricky mobile web applications, or maybe just pull a prank on your friend.In more technical terms, Mallory is an extensible TCP/UDP man in the middle proxy that is designed to be run as a gateway. The goal is to man in the middle traffic for testing purposes. The ideal setup

How do specify that a shortcut should not be promoted as newly-installed on the Start menu?

Windows XP employed a number of heuristics to determine which Start menu shortcuts should be promoted when an application is newly-installed. But what if those heuristics end up guessing wrong?You can set the System.App­User­Model.Exclude­From­Show­In­New­Install property to VARIANT_TRUE to tell the Start menu, "I am not the primary entry point for the program; I'm a secondary shortcut, like a

ClickOnce, TaskDialogs, Common Controls and WPF Applications

One of the things that I talked a little about in my talk about “Modern Windows Applications on Windows 7” was around the idea of using a TaskDialog when you’re trying to get a response from the user rather than using your own custom dialog or a MessageBox or similar. As an aside, this isn’t just about TaskDialogs and MessageBoxes and so on – there’s other reasons why you would want to get the

Kerberos Debugging Tips

I worked on adding Kerberos support for Apache Rampart and WSS4J during last few weeks and interop testing with WCF.Following lists some useful debugging tips I came across..1. How to list all the Kerberos tickets issued to the logged in client principal in Windows c:\Program Files (x86)\Resource Kit>klistCurrent LogonId is 0:0x29a6fCached Tickets: (2)#0>     Client: administrator @ WSO2.COM

What should be considered when NOLOCK hint is used

IntroductionWith SQL Server the NOLOCK hint is very tempting especially with SELECT statements where at least one of the tables is frequently updated. Using the NOLOCK removes all queueing problems and the SELECT statement runs smoothly, but not without side effetcs. Why do we need a hint at allFirst question might be that why do we need to add this hint to get the statement running without

Google Rolls Out Two-Factor Authentication For Everyone. You Should Use It

Given how much data we’re trusting to online sites these days — email, search history, even voice calls — the repercussions to having our account passwords phished, hacked, or guessed are worse than ever. Unfortunately as far as consumers are concerned, account security has been stagnant for years: nearly every service requires a username and password, and that’s it. Cue the scary music and a

Building a database installer with WiX, datadude and Visual Studio 2010

Today I have been using Windows Installer XML (WiX) to build an installer (.msi file) that would install a SQL Server database on a server of my choosing; the source code for that database lives in datadude (a tool which you may know by one of quite a few other names). The basis for this work was a most excellent blog post by Duke Kamstra entitled Implementing a WIX installer that calls the GDR

Securing your SSH Server

One of the most common questions that I see in my favorite IRC channel is: "How can I secure sshd on my server?" There's no single right answer, but most systems administrators combine multiple techniques to provide as much security as possible with the least inconvenience to the end user. Here are my favorite techniques listed from most effective to least effective:SSH key pairsBy disabling

shared_ptr – Advanced STL, Part 1

Part 1 of my video lecture series exploring the Standard Template Library’s implementation is now available.  In this part, I explain how some of shared_ptr’s magic works, including type erasure and make_shared()’s optimizations that save both space and time. This advanced series assumes that you’re familiar with C++ and the STL’s interface, but not the STL’s implementation.  If you haven’t

Testing a web service using “wireshark”

Wireshark is a well known network protocol analyzer, which further can be used to monitor web service communications as well.Here, I am going to briefly note how this tool can be used to test the web service that we have developed in our previous blog post examples. (i.e. StudentService) How to install wireshark on Linux?Just type “sudo apt-get install wireshark”.How to run wireshark on Linux?

How to Add a Checkbox to a List View Column Header

IntroductionThere doesn't appear to be much, if any, example code of how to place a checkbox in the column header of a list view control. This can be used to add "check/uncheck all" functionality if you're using LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES in your list view window style to display a check box next to each item. Unfortunately, the method used here only works with Windows Vista/Server 2008 and later.  It

iPhone passwords hacked in six minutes

There is no such thing as perfect security, but it can be better than the current state of affairs. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany have demonstrated an easy and repeatable way to get at the accounts including passwords stored on an iPhone. They have to have actual physical possession of the phone being hacked, but this makes lost or stolen phones completely insecure - which is

Converting XML data to CLR object using XmlSerializer

My last Post (Consuming Webservice from Silverlight) was all about accessing a web service/API from Silverlight; there I described how to consume an external API, with a sample from GeoName web services. As I said in that article, this article is the continuation. Here I am going to demonstrate how to convert the result output, which is in XML, to a CLR object and of course using it as a

FreedCamp: A Free Alternative To Basecamp

If you are looking for a nice free alternative to Basecamp, then you should check out Freedcamp. This tool positions itself as the closest free alternative that you will ever get to Basecamp. This means you can work on unlimited projects, with unlimited file sharing, the same way you would work on Basecamp without signing up to monthly plans. Using Freedcamp is very straightforward. You only need

The Economics of Commercial Open Source

In the past 20 years, open-source has gone from a small movement to a major force in the software industry. Many mission critical and enterprise operations are now powered by open-source software and its influence on the rise of the Internet is undeniable. Open source is more than the availability of the source – it is a development philosophy that encourages contribution, transparency and the

Reactor Service Bus

Project Description Reactor Service Bus is a light weight .Net service bus built upon the Apache NMS messaging API. It provides a rich subscription model and built in load balancing features for consumers. The Reactor Service Bus isn't just another .Net service bus. Although it provides a similar programming interface to other .Net service bus frameworks on the market, it’s built upon the Apache

Internet Explorer Administration Kit 9 Release Candidate

The Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) 9 simplifies the creation, deployment and management of customized Internet Explorer 9 packages. IEAK 9 can be used to configure the out-of-box Internet Explorer 9 experience or to manage user settings after Internet Explorer 9 deployment. Read more: MS Download Posted via email from Jasper-net

Apache NMS project

Welcome to the Apache NMS project, the .NET Messaging API.NMS API OverviewThe NMS API This allows you to build .NET applications in C#, VB, or any other .NET language, using a single API to connect to multiple different providers using a JMS style API. NMS ProvidersAn NMS Provider is a .NET Assembly that provides an implementation of the NMS API that provides connectivity with a particular

Silverlight 4 February 2011 Update Released Today

Today (at approximately 10:00 AM PST) our team released an update to the Silverlight 4 runtime.  This update, dubbed internally as “GDR3,” provides an update in the following key areas (KB2495644): Timestamp issues with media playback and VC-1 codecVisual Studio IDE crash when profiling a Silverlight application which has a pixel shaderEnabling Silverlight to run as a 32-bit process in 64-bit

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) AddIn to automatically name SQL windows

SSMS Plus is a lightweight addin for SQL Server Management Studio that automatically names query windows based on their contents, removing the problem of having to search through a proliferation of open untitled query windows to find what you are looking for. It also provides a useful auto-save function (to My Documents \ SQL Server Management Studio \ Queries). Maybe it's just me, but this

Faking Forms Authentication in Silverlight

In a website that implements Forms Authentication Silverlight fits in very easily – Forms Authentication leaves a cookie on the client – and Silverlight just picks it off if you’re using the Browser Stack (which you normally would). In other words – It simply works. However, many times you would like to do the authentication yourself – that is – to fake an HTTP Post so that you can authenticate

12 things web developers should know about Firebug

Most web developers have heard of, and used Firebug, but perhaps don't know its full power. Firebug is a debugger, editor, and monitor for websites, CSS, HTML, DOM, JavaScript, and HTTP. It was created by one of the original Firefox creators Joe Hewitt. Below I will list 12 of the most important things I feel web developers should know about Firebug.1. You can instantly find any part of the

ILSpy — open source альтернатива .NET Reflector

Как вы все знаете, Reflector становится платным. Такой шаг компании Red Gate не мог не сподвигнуть разработчиков сделать бесплатную альтернативу. Вот и всем известные разработчики open source решений для .NET IC#Code (на их счету так же IDE SharpDevelop) взялись за разработку своего Reflector'а. Разработка началась совсем недавно, поэтому проект ещё не оброс всеми нужными фичами, но есть надежда

Silverlight 4 Toolkit Chart Zoom and Pan Extension

Features* Utilises existing toolkit without modification* Zoom box functionality* Mouse wheel zoom functionality* Pan functionality* Scroll Functionality* X Span functionality OverviewI've been working on a project which uses the Silverlight 4 Toolkit chart control. The control is great, however there is no real zoom functionality which is a problem.Here is an example given where the charts

Nokia Simplifies the Mobile Landscape

On Friday, Nokia announced that they were adopting WP7 as their operating system. Although some open source advocates might see this as a set-back for Linux, Android is already the best-selling Linux OS of all times. Meanwhile, as a Ben Zander student, all I see is possibility and the the world of opportunities that this opens to developers. Although they will continue shipping Symbian for a

Windows Phone 7 Development for Android Developers

Much like mobile applications for the Android platform, Microsoft® Windows® Phone 7 (WP7) applications are written in a managed language—Java for Android and C# for Windows Phone 7—with accompanying libraries. Many of the differences between Java and Visual C#® are style related. The two modern languages share a common ancestry with the C/C++ languages and bear a strong resemblance to one another

Referencing a picture in another DLL in Silverlight and Windows Phone 7

This one has burned me a few times, so here is how it works for future reference:Usually, when I add an Image control into a Silverlight application, and the picture it shows is local (as opposed to loaded from the web), I set the picture’s Build Action to Content, and the Copy to Output Directory to Copy if Newer. What the compiler does then is to copy the picture to the bin\Debug folder, and

A Critical Deep Dive into the WPF Rendering System

At first I didn’t think I’d publish this. I wanted to consider a bit of diplomacy and also thought I’m beating a dead horse.  After being convinced by some people who’s opinion’s I highly value, I decided to. Developers are investing quite a bit into Microsoft’s UX platforms should know more about how the innards of the platform works, as when they hit a brick wall, they can properly understand

Mockingbird is a fantastic in-browser tool for creating website wireframes

Sometimes you've got an idea in your head for a website or page layout, or even for an application. But then you need to somehow get it out of your head and actually look at it, or show it to someone. While drawing on the back of a napkin is a time-honored strategy, that is not always ideal because you can't edit your drawing later, and it may be difficult to share. Mockingbird is like a digital

SQL Server: Store and Retrieve IP Address

We can store IP addresses in SQL Server in a varchar column. However to retrieve IP address for a specific range, we need to split each part and compare it.Consider the following table: Suppose we want to retrieve all the IP addresses that fall in the range from to The following query will retrieve these IP addresses: Here’s the same query for you to try out:

WCF – Silverlight debugging tips

IntroductionAs all of us know if something went wrong in the Silverlight application that is consuming WCF, how much painful it is to investigate the problem. Debugging only help to certain level, as it do not always give the exact error message. It sucks and it eats considerable amount of time to know the problem and all that we end up in identifying nothing. If we know some smart tips in WCF +

Build your Web Application at runtime

Disclaimer: let me start by saying that the technique described in this blog is experimental, and is meant as a first step to see where this might take us. This is not in any way an officially supported technique! If you are an ASP.NET user, you are likely aware that there are two different types of apps that you can create: Web Sites and Web Applications. Here is a quick summary of how they

Анализ зависимостей программно? NDepend!

Как поддерживать качества код на должном уровне? Есть много способов – культура написания кода, регулярное code review, всевозможные договорённости внутри команды (convensions), парное программирование и прочие практики XP, TDD, BDD, DDD… Список можно продолжать, и в него будут попадать все более страшные слова :) Но на самом деле каждый выбирается для себя свой способ. А как следить за качеством

Another SQL Server FILESTREAM Best Practice guide

Recently I was asked to advise a customer on a FILESTREAM implementation he was devising, and part of that ended up becoming this blog post that I hope can be of some help for you.When to use FILESTREAM? In SQL Server, BLOBs can be standard varbinary(max) data that stores the data in tables, or FILESTREAM varbinary(max) objects that store the data in the file system. The size and use of the data

Senin, 14 Februari 2011

Silverlight 4: Interoperability with Windows 7 Taskbar using COM

Microsoft released Windows 7 last year which has lots of functionalities including a nice UI. Among those features one of the most user friendly feature is Pin/Unpin application to Taskbar. You can develop WPF or Windows Forms applications in which you can implement this feature. But do you know that this is also possible in Silverlight? Yes, Silverlight 4 has the power to talk with any other

How To Crash the Internet

We know you can take down Web sites with Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. We know that a country, like Egypt, can shut down a country's entire Internet access. And, we thought we knew that you can't take down the entire Internet. It turns out we could be wrong. In a report from New Scientist, Max Schuchard a computer science graduate student and his buddies claim they've found a way

Тонкие моменты C#

Не секрет, что C# сегодня популярный и динамично развывающийся язык, в отличие от своего прямого конкурента — языка Java, который в плане функциональности переживает период застоя. Основное неоспоримое преимущество Java — настоящая кросплатформенность, а не унылая и ограниченная, как у C#. C# — простой язык, благодаря простоте живёт и PHP. Но в то же время он весьма функциональный, и имеет статус

Расширенные атрибуты FAT16 и NTFS

Расширенные атрибуты файлов — дополнительный набор атрибутов, поддерживаемый Windows в файловых системах NTFS, FAT16 и HPFS. Расширенные атрибуты (extended attributes, EA) поддерживаются начиная с Windows NT и во всех последующих операционных системах на ядре NT. Поддержка расширенных атрибутов была добавлена в Windows для совместимости с операционной системой OS/2, в которой они широко

Интересная особенность конструкции foreach в языке C#

При написании кода на языке C# достаточно часто приходится использовать конструкцию foreach. Ведь так на много удобнее проходить по коллекциям, по сравнению с использованием цикла for. Безусловно, у каждого метода есть свои плюсы и минусы и выбор всегда зависит от конкретной задачи и ситуации. Но на днях меня удивила одни интересная особенность конструкции foreach, а  именно то, как это работает.

Posting to an ASP via Windows Sockets in C

IntroductionEver needed a quick way to get around to post text to a web server and get a response accordingly ? Look no further.  In this article i give the reader a class with 2 methods for testing the availability of the connection and for posting information. Background  I used this code to post major text files, line by line, of summaries on PocketPC (Windows Mobile) to a statistical web

Dealing With Native DLLs in .NET “AnyCPU” Builds

A .NET application can be compiled using the “AnyCPU” configuration, meaning the application runs as 32 bit on a 32 bit OS, and 64 on a 64 bit OS. As long as the application is purely managed, everything should be just fine. However, if the application must use some native DLL through interop (e.g. P/Invoke), then “AnyCPU” may be an issue. A native DLL cannot be both 32 and 64 bit – it’s one or

Displaying vtable when debugging

Due to some limitations the virtual table of an object is not shown by default in the debugger. In some cases only the entries from the base class is shown.class Base{    virtual void a(); };class Derived : public Base{    virtual void b();};Base* ptr = new Derived();which in a watch window givesptr->__vfptr 0x004420f8 const Derived::`vftable' [0x0] 0x00415ed3 Base::a(void) You can look at the

Расширяем log4net. Конкурентное логирование

Библиотека log4net известна и в представлении не нуждается. В ней есть практически всё, что нужно, «из коробки». Однако, есть специфические ситуации, в которых необходимо добавлять/расширять функциональность библиотеки. Конкретная ситуация: есть некоторая библиотека, которая выполняет логирование через log4net в некоторый логер (или несколько — не суть). Эта библиотека используется в N службах.

jQuery Tutorial - Creating an Autocomplete Input Textbox

With jQuery 1.8 came a brand new widget - the autocomplete input field. If used correctly, like in the case of Google's search suggestions, autocomplete can provide a major boost in productivity. Today's tutorial is going to demonstrate how to build and populate one of these autocomplete inputs. We're going to make two identical examples that get their data from two different sources - one will

MotherEffin HTML5 Boilerplate MVC 3 Site Template

This past week I’ve been reading up on the HTML5 Boilerplate project by Paul Irish (of the Google Chrome and jQuery teams fame).  The HTML5 Boilerplate project is a collection of all the best practices for modern day web development in one easy to use project template. Read more: Clarity consultingRead more: HTML5 Boilerplate MVC project template  Posted via email from Jasper-net

Утечки памяти в С++: Visual Leak Detector

В этой короткой заметке хочу рассказать о прекрасной программе для поиска утечек памяти под Visual Studio -- Visual Leak Detector. Она удивительно проста в использовании и выдает подробную информацию о найденных утечках, а на хабре пока не упоминалась. ПредысторияОднажды мне позарез понадобилось искать утечки памяти в одной программе на С++, притом средой разработки была Visual Studio.

Running .NET applications in-process using AppDomains

When testing a compiler for a managed language a very convenient end-to-end testing technique is to compile a test program, then run it and verify that it gives the expected output. Not only you cover all parts of the compiler in this manner (parser, binder and emitter), but also you verify that your compiler produces correct IL (otherwise the CLR won’t load and verify your assembly) and your


Project Description Quasar is a suite of class libraries for .Net developers, providing data structures, algorithm, extension methods and other components which are not implemented in standard .Net framework. The library provides data structures like Trees, Heap, Queue, SkipList, Graph etc.; several useful extensions methods for .Net collections, strings, random numbers, delegates etc.;

Disassembly view и goto from try { }

Вот мне всегда было интересно как имплементится на машинном уровне поведение такого кода:class Foo {    static void Main() {        bool jump = true;        Label:        try {            System.Console.WriteLine("try");            if (jump) {                jump = false;                goto Label;            }        }        finally {            System.Console.WriteLine("finally");        }

Google man open sources Chrome build system

Google Chrome developer Evan Martin has open sourced the custom-designed build system he uses to build the browser's Linux port.Martin calls the system Ninja because it "strikes quickly." According to Martin's Ninja manual, he previously used a customized system based on the old GNU Make build-automation system, and while this needed 10 seconds to start building the open source Chromium browser

Blend Bits 23–Templating

One of the real strengths of Expression Blend is in its deep understanding of control templates. Visual Studio doesn’t really go near control templates and so you really need Blend unless you’re a pure consumer of someone else’s templated controls. Control templates are a complex concept in themselves and so editing them can be a bit mind-bending for the first time. If you’ve not encountered the

Megastore: Google's Answer to NoSQL Databases

Last month Google released a paper on its high availability datastore Megastore. Megastore "blends the scalability of a NoSQL datastore with the convenience of a traditional RDBMS in a novel way, and provides both strong consistency guarantees and high availability," the paper says. Megastore is the technology behind Google's High Replication Datastore, which covered here previously. It's a short

Ping.exe replica in C# 2.0

IntroductionI've been working on an application that needed to connect to a webservice and exchange information with it. So before creating the proxy object, I needed to check if there is any internet connection on the client and if the webservice address can be reached. The easiest way was to call Ping.exe using the Process class and get my information from there, but it's dirty coding calling


Project DescriptionNBug is a .NET library created to automate the bug reporting process. It automatically creates and sends:* Bug reports,* Crash reports with minidump,* Error/exception reports with stack trace + ext. info. It can also be set up as a user feedback system (i.e. feature requests).NoteCodeplex project site is only used for source control. Please visit the project web site for


Project DescriptionMSBuild task for adding some logging to your application.Inject calls to Log.Trace at the beginning of each method.Integrates with nlog, log4net or your custom static logger class within your assembly Read more: Codeplex Posted via email from Jasper-net

Paint.NET v3.5.7 Beta (Build 4058) is now available

This update improves reliability of saving, further improves Copy/Paste functionality, and fixes some other miscellaneous bugs. I decided to port the “fault-tolerant save” work I did in the v4.0 codebase back to v3.5.x so that this much-needed reliability improvement could be made available now. As usual, you can get it either by downloading it from the website, or via the built-in updater (

SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0 Toolkit v2 - Don't leave your Visual Studio without it...

SQL Server Compact Edition, what's fun about that?Having SQL Server like capability without the pain of installing SQL Server? Having a solid and supported upgrade path from a local data store to a central shared SQL Server? Having supported multithreaded data storage you can now, with v4, use in your web app? Entity Framework support included in the box? Xcopy deployment of your data and data

How to get Assembly (DLL) from GAC

Their are many ways to get Assembly from the GAC folder, I thinks that the easiest way to do this is just run the command: "Subst X: c:\windows\ assembly" (X = Drive letter to get into the GAC Folder). After you done to run this command you can enter your new "drive" and find your Assembly. Read more: Or Biran Posted via email from Jasper-net

Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

The Stanford SRP Homepage

The Secure Remote Password protocol performs secure remote authentication of short human-memorizable passwords and resists both passive and active network attacks. Because SRP offers this unique combination of password security, user convenience, and freedom from restrictive licenses, it is the most widely standardized protocol of its type, and as a result is being used by organizations both

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Process Hacker

Process Hacker is a feature-packed tool for manipulating processes and services on your computer.Key features of Process Hacker:A simple, customizable tree view with highlighting showing you the processes running on your computer. Detailed system statistics with graphs.Advanced features not found in other programs, such as detaching from debuggers, viewing GDI handles, viewing heaps, injecting

WMIC - Take Command-line Control over WMI

This article is from the March 2002 issue of Windows & .NET Magazine.Microsoft is creating a lot of good reasons to make the command prompt in Windows XP and the Windows Server 2003 family your home for systems management. Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC), which uses the power of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to enable systems management from the command line, is


Fport v2.0Identify unknown open ports and their associated applicationsfport supports Windows NT4, Windows 2000 and Windows XPfport reports all open TCP/IP and UDP ports and maps them to the owning application. This is the same information you would see using the 'netstat -an' command, but it also maps those ports to running processes with the PID, process name and path. Fport can be used to

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

להאיץ את האתר בעזרת Google App Engine / מדריך

שירות האירוח של האתר שלכם נמצא במקום מסוים בעולם, נניח בישראל. זה טוב לישראלים, אך מעט פחות טוב לגולשים מחו"ל.נניח וג'ון האמריקאי מבקש לראות עמוד מהאתר שלכם, הבקשה שלו צריכה לבצע מסע "עליה" לישראל ולאחר מכן המידע מהאתר שלכם צריך לעזוב את הארץ ולהגיע עד ארה"ב, אל מחשבו של ג'ון. זאת דרך די ארוכה שלוקחת זמן. זה היה יכול להיות נחמד אם היה אפשר לפתוח "סניפים" לאתר שלכם ברחבי העולם, לא? כך גולשים

Charity Raising Money To Buy Used Satellite

For those of us who live in the developed world, internet access has become pretty much a given. It's become so ubiquitous that we almost expect to have it at all times and in all places, but even in this 'Information Age,' the majority of the world's population lacks access to the internet – either because service isn't available where they are, or they can't afford it. Kosta Grammatis has a

Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 SP1 Releases to Manufacturing Today

Hi I’m Michael Kleef, Senior Technical Product Manager with the Windows Server and Cloud division. Today, on behalf of the team, I’m pleased to announce the Release to Manufacturing (RTM) of Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1), along with Windows 7 SP1.  SP1 will be made generally available for download on February 22. Two new features in Windows Server SP1, Dynamic Memory and RemoteFX,

45 Most Useful And Inspiring Blogger templates: Enjoy Freebies

Blogger templates can be used by any individual or group to set up their website. Once a template is downloaded, the user will replace all general information included in the web template with their own personal, organizational or product information. Blogger templates usually used in different categories, such as personal information or daily activities as in a blog, sell products online,

4 Ways to Make LinkedIn Your Company's Best Friend

Visitors to Websites tailored more toward business professionals than consumers are increasingly choosing to log in using their existing LinkedIn identities, said social tool provider Gigya on Tuesday. In fact, whereas only three percent of users to such sites chose to sign in using their LinkedIn identities in a Gigya study last July, that number had increased all the way up to 20 percent by

Instapaper Releases A Full API — With A Brilliant, Unique Twi$t

I love Instapaper. Blah blah blah — you all know that by now. But today developer Marco Arment has released something significant that could alter the way the service is used: a full API. And perhaps even more interesting is how he’s released it. In his blog post on the matter, Arment dives into his tough decision making process when it comes to the API. The main problem is that unlike a lot of

Twitter as Tech Bubble Barometer

As Internet valuations climb and bankers and would-be buyers circle Silicon Valley in an increasingly frothy tech market, many eyes are on one particularly desirable, if still enigmatic, target: Twitter. Discussions with at least some potential suitors have produced an estimated valuation of $8 billion to $10 billion. Executives at both Facebook Inc. and Google Inc., among other companies, have

Silverlight 4 Property Triggers

I spent a little time this week messing around with the newly added Triggers and TriggerActions available through the new Expression Blend 4 SDK.Triggers and Behaviors are really just ways to attach functionality to an existing element, and the base classes that are included in the newer version of Silverlight 4 really make the job easier.  I’m going to walk through adding a trigger that fires

Video Training – Windows Phone 7 Development series for Android Developers

MSDev has released the new videos on Windows Phone 7 for Android Developers which helps the Android developers to kick start the Windows Phone 7 Development .The series includes 8 Videos and is presented by Nancy Strickland and  Bill Lodin . Windows Phone 7 for Android Developers: The User Interface Windows Phone 7 for Android Developers: Data Windows Phone 7 for Android Developers: Graphics

Enums and inheritance in .Net

In one of my current projects I had the following code (I simplified the code a bit):public string ConnectionString{    get    {        switch(this.Importer)        {            case Importer.SqlServer:                return "Server=localhost;Database=Northwind";            case Importer.SqlServerOleDb:                return"Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Northwind";

How to Disable right click popup menu in a MVVM silverlight 4.0 application

The business problemThe silverlight configuration dialog has got a lot of useful functionality and the ability to quickly uninstall the application However most of the time you would want to prevent the business users from knowing the details of implementation.There is also a possibility that the business users could change a few settings inadvertently and cause the application from working or

Apache Axis2™

Apache Axis2™ is a Web Services / SOAP / WSDL engine, the successor to the widely used Apache Axis SOAP stack. There are two implementations of the Apache Axis2 Web services engine - Apache Axis2/Java and Apache Axis2/C While you will find all the information on Apache Axis2/Java here, you can visit the Apache Axis2/C Web site for Axis2/C implementation information.Apache Axis2, Axis2, Apache,

Capturing via tcpdump to view in Wireshark

$sudo tcpdump -i en1 -s0 -w captured.pcap-i Listening interface-s Snarf snaplen bytes of data from each packet rather than the default of 64K bytes. Packets truncated because of a limited snapshot are indicated in the output with ``[|proto]'', where proto is the name of the protocol level at which the truncation has occurred. Note that taking larger snapshots both increases the amount of time it

Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

Back to the basics : Exception Management design guideline for N-tier applications

Introduction"How do you define a good Exception Management for an N-Tier application?"Pretty simple question, but not that much simple to answer.We are good at making things. But, may be, we are not equally good at designing systems which properly handles errors with gracefulness, provides user with a polite message about the error and doesn't leave him/her in a dead-end, and internally,

Ela, functional language

Project DescriptionEla is dynamically (and strongly) typed and comes with a rich and extensible type system out of box. It provides an extensive support for the functional programming paradigm including but not limited to - first class functions, first class currying and composition, list/array comprehensions, pattern matching, polymorphic variants, thunks, etc. It also provides some imperative